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Cheek bone reduction 

Cheek bone reduction 

High cheek bone and wide face can be corrected with beek bone reduction surgery


Cheek bone is Zygoma in medical term. Figure below show Zygoma in blue color. It start from beneath the eye and extend laterally to the ear. 


From figure below, Zygoma is colored in blue. It is the bone determined the width of your face.


Figure below show x-ray scan worm's eye view. Bony part at the most lateral area of your face is the Zygomatic arch which will be reduced after cheek bone reduction surgery.

Steps in cheek bone reduction surgery

        Due to complexity of the operation, it will be carry on under general anesthesia in the hospital, under close monitor by our anesthesiologist. The incision site will be inside your mouth and anterior to your ear which is covered by the hair line, so there will be no prominent scar after the operation.


       Before operation  X-ray scan of the face area is required for proper evaluation and surgical planning. It will be ordered according to an area needed to be corrected.

       On the operation day  For general anesthesia, you need to be withheld from all food and drink at least 8 hours prior to the operation. In the morning, there will be blood test, chest x-ray and EKG. After the operation, you need hospitalization for 1 day, or at least 8 hours.  



Remarks: Surgical outcome varies person to person
Remarks: Surgical outcome varies person to person
ผ่าตัดโหนกแก้ม กราม
ผ่าตัดโหนกแก้ม กราม
Remarks: Surgical outcome varies person to person
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